Home to Hot Water Beach and Cathedral Cove, Coromandel Peninsula is a must-have on many New Zealand travel itineraries.
Beaches to dig your own hot pool and beaches that star in Hollywood movies, paired with squeaky white sand and Caribbean-blue water, it’s no wonder Coromandel is a favourite with tourists and Kiwis alike.
HOt water beach during sunset
Although the Coromandel coast is absolutely stunning, it’s not just the Coromandel beaches that make this corner of New Zealand so special. The Coromandel has a wild heart, steep volcanic mountains and a dense, enchanting forest.
If you spend some time exploring the Coromandel, you will no doubt find hidden gems, some man-made like Lost Spring Whitianga, hot geothermal pools. Others are pure wonders of nature, like the magical Donut Island.
And every year in March, Coromandel New Zealand hosts the biggest event for lovers of classic cars, big engines, retro caravans and rockabilly music at the Beach Hop.